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11.07.2006 01:33 - FreeRun
Автор: frik Категория: Спорт   
Прочетен: 1927955 Коментари: 497 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 11.07.2006 15:09

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg

Urbanfreeflow, Freeflow, parkour или freerun е нещо повече от спорт. Това е начин на живот и придвижване. Може да се практикува навсякъде и от всекиго - независимо дали си възрастен или млад, начинаещ или напреднал. Нямаш нужда от някаква специална екипировка за да се занимаваш с фриирън. Трябват ти само добри обувки и удобни дрехи.

"Без философия, движението няма смисъл."
Себастиан Фукан

Животът е съставен от препятствия - да ги преодоляваш означава да напредваш. Ако станеш изкусен във фрииръна, може да спечелиш нещо за по-нататък в твоето съществуване. Разбирането на философията на паркура, означава да погледнеш по-далеч от обикновения трик и неговото изпълнение. Когато тренираш е важно да се фокусираш върху самия теб, отколкото да обръщаш внимание на средата наоколо - развивай ума и тялото си. Следвай интуицията си и напредвай, стъпка по стъпка. Забавлявай се. Нека всичко бъде удоволствие, а не състезание. Способността да преодоляваш препятствия е много важна. Фриирънърите постоянно се борят със себе си за да преодоляват нови и нови предизвикателства. 


Трудно е да се каже, кога точно е започнало всичко. Фриирънът, както той изглежда в момента е бил създаден около осемдесетте години на 20-ти век във Франция. Давид Бел и Себастиан Фукан били на 15 години и играели детски игри. Бащата на Давид - Реймънд Бел, окуражавал момчетата, като им казвал, че тренирайки здраво и ако са отдадени на спорта някой ден ще постигнат мечтите си. С времето те развили движенията си и така се родил паркурът. Той е комбинация от брейкденс, бойни искуства, гимнастика и катерене. Използвайки тялото си, можеш да се движиш, като течност и същевременно да си тих като котка.

През 2001 година излиза филмът Ямакаши. Групата е първоначално създадена от Себастиан и Давид, но те не участват в продукцията. Оттогава паркурът спира да се развива, както преди и всичко става комерсиално. Затова основателите се отказват от Ямакаши и всеки тръгва по своя път.

Идва 2003, когато се появяват документалният Jump London, където Себастиан, заедно със свои колеги показват способностите си. По-късно, през 2004, идва ред и на Jump Britain, който утвърждава още повече позициите на фрииръна, като независим спорт. Навсякъде по света се сформират отбори, които практикуват паркур. Всеки импровизира и измисля нешо ново - та така и до днес. Какво предстои в бъдещето ли ? Никой не знае, но точно това му е хубавото  Все още фриирънът е млад спорт и това. което е постигнато от създаването му. е много, но тепърва ще се развива и усъвършенства. Интересът от страна на медиите е огромен и това спомага още повече за популяризирането му.



1. innuendo - Това е!
11.07.2006 15:00
Това е всичко! Едва преди 1 месец забелязах младежи, които се занимаваха с това. Аз съм Freerunner по душа. Нека бъде.
2. frik - ...
11.07.2006 15:05
FreeRun-a ти дава всичко от което имаш нужда! Когато се запалих си мислех, че няма да го тренирам вечно, защото ще се комплексирам от зяпачите наоколо, но не е така! Когато се отдадеш напълно на нещо то се превръща в истинската ти същност!
3. innuendo - Добре казано
11.07.2006 17:47
Нямам какво да добавя
4. анонимен - За в бъдеще...
11.07.2006 17:52
Има ли според вас бъдеще тоси вид спорт у нас? Има ли достатачно желаещи да развиват идеята? Изобщо как виждате бъдещето на този спорт, ако има такова...?
5. frik - ...
11.07.2006 18:02
Според мен има бъдеще и то голямо! На хората, които се занимават с това им харесва! Някой хора са Ямакаши по душа! Тези хора не практикуват, поради някакви физични недостатаци или други причини, възпрепядстващи тренировките! Други увладяват движенията до съвършенство и изживяват всеки миг, всяко усещане с голямо удоволствие! Този спорт има бъдеще в България, а от както започнах да се интерисувам малко повече за него разбрах, че и желаещите не са никак малко!
6. innuendo - Този да не е някой бизнесмен!
12.07.2006 10:14
Да не подпитва за инвестиции! Да не си е помислил че това е някоя отборна игра, и че в нея има победители. Май иска да изкяри нещо! Не ми харесват анонимните, и това си е! А иначе си прав за душата! На мен все още нещо ми пречи, но физиката си я имам. Както и усещането за безтегловност. Пречи ми акъла! Радвам се че отвори дума за Freerun! Най-сетне! Отивам да се уча да летя! Поздрави!
7. bgtrener - Спорта е велик!
21.07.2006 11:33
Вчера ми пратиха на мейла един линк http://fishki.net/comment.php?id=4578 . Няма такава свобода и лекота в никй друг спорт.
8. анонимен - tova e varha
28.07.2006 17:52
az sam luda fenka na freerun!!!!!!!!Moeto gadje me trenira.Toi e mnogo dobar,a az sa6to.Koito iska da mi pi6e na kali1209@abv.bg
njma da sagaljvate
9. анонимен - Къде мога да "тренирам" FreeruN
04.08.2006 00:38
Здравейте :). И аз съм голям фен на freerun- а, и се възхищама на хората, които го владеят, малко или много. Аз лично мога едно, две неща, даже имам клипчета с успешно и не чак до там успешно прескачане на една града, завършило с ... опасност за поколението :D. Там точно заради това ми се иска да разбера къде точно има зали в София където се тренират най-простичките неща, които са основните умения, които трябва да притежава, всеки един freerun-ер преди да излезе на улицата :) ... Поне съм чувал, че имам такива места де :D... В краен случай има и много клипчета, които да се изучат, а и много улици и подходящи площатки има :D...
Btw ето това клипче е супер яко. А тези в него, особено първият, са направо нечовеци ;) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=515642196227308929&q=russian+climb
10. анонимен - OBI4am freerun
04.08.2006 13:19
freerun e hubav no opasen sport
11. frik - ...
04.08.2006 13:23
Опасноста е хубавото в този спорт! Тя поддържа адреналина и те кара да се чувстваш жив! Карате да се чувстваш все едно си преодолял гравирацията! Именно в това е красотата на спорта!
12. анонимен - ...
04.08.2006 14:18
Хех... Ясно, че Freerun-ът е най-добре да се тренира на открито, но мен ми разказаха за някакво място където можеш да отидеш да потренираш примерно падането от високо върху дюшеци, като има и хора, които ти онбясняват как става номера, защото все пак не ми се иска още първия ден да се върна с гипс, защото не съм съумял да се приземя като хората, и хоп, айде месец, ако не и повече, без възможност за почти никаквъ спорт :/ ...
13. анонимен - ...
04.08.2006 14:23
И аз съм чувал за подобни места, но несъм се интерисувал! Ще е хубаво да се иде там, едно че ще ти обяснят точно как да тренираш и друго, че ще се срещнеш с много други маняци и може да се обменят опит и трикове! Ако някой знае подобно местенце в София, няка да даде адрес, телефон или каквото и да е...
14. анонимен - nqma
28.08.2006 19:23
Mnogo obicham freerun no ne moga da namerq sait s ykazaniq kak da go pravq po-profesionalno. Vsmisal da go pravq po-dobre. Ako nqkoi znae molq da pishe na "danoto@gmail.bg"
15. анонимен - abe manqk az se zanimavam s freerun ot 2 godini
01.09.2006 01:42
ot dve godini se zanimavam s freerun i sam nauchil mn no moga da kaja che tozi sport e edin ot nai trudnite i nikoga ne mojesh da go nauchish perfektno no dori i da znaish sichki nomera krai na nomerata nqma zashtoty sas vseki den se sazdavat novi i novi nomera za nauchavane tfa e dumata mi za freeruna
16. анонимен - За сажаление :{
04.09.2006 12:20
Аз сам от Ямбол оттдавна Си Тренирах Така си ска4ах
но стимупат ми бяха нинджите след като видях 4е има такав спорт много се бьодошевих но ови в Ямбол
няма никакв crew
17. анонимен - ???
04.09.2006 14:47
Имали някои от Ямбол тук
18. анонимен - ei aki na nqkoiot qmbol mu se trenira a e sam
04.09.2006 16:27
Moje da doide v 23:40 pred opshtia Ямбол
19. анонимен - ei aki na nqkoiot qmbol mu se trenira a e sam
04.09.2006 16:27
Moje da doide v 23:40 pred opshtia Ямбол
20. анонимен - Po4itatelka na freeruna
06.09.2006 19:10
Zdraveite az su6to mnogo xaresvam tozi sport,za6toto e stra6no gotin.Zapalix se po nego ot filma Yiamaka6i,koito izleze,no za sugalenie vse o6te ne sum vidiala niakoi koito da go praktikuva realno.Ne mislex 4e ima tolkova xora koito da gi kefi tozi sport,no iavno sum sgre6ila.S ogromno udovolstvie bix gledala niakoi na givo.bay bay
21. mar7o - Info за всички!
11.09.2006 02:46
Здр алл!Аз се занимавам с фрийрън от година вече.Ако искате и вие да се занимавате посетете parkour-bg.com Видяь един дълъг пост по нагоре...значи има зали за трениране обаче там се тренират само салта...за така наречените валтове ( валтовете са различни начини за преминаване на дадено препядствие като ограда,стена и тн ) се учат навънка!Най-използваните места за тренировка са кв Лозенец,около НДК,кв хладилника!За всеки начинаеш който иска да се занимава с този спорт го съветвам да си намери от някъде клипчето Vaults 101 ( или 102 почти едни и същи са,най-добре и 2те),има го в youtube.com,да го гледа и да излезне навънка и да се опражнява :) Късмет!!!
22. анонимен - Haresa mi , no prosto e jalko
03.10.2006 00:39
Mnogo mi haresa tozi sport oprajnqvam go ot okolo 1 mesec i dori dnes si namerih po Skype edno mom4e koeot obe6ta da mi pomogne s obu4enieto , ne moga o6te mn ne6ta no treniram osardno s priqtelite mi ! No prosto e jalko 4e v Kardjali nqma Crew ili pone nqkoi koito da trenira . Ili prosto gi e sram ili strah da go napravqt ili e sa gotovi o6te , no ako iam nqkoi koito e vej v tozi "sport" bih isakl da znam za nego (otnasq se za nqkoi ot kardjali) Nqmam tarpenie da se nau4a za6toto kogato ska4am i pravq nomera s moite priqteli se 4uvstvam svoboden , nezavisim i zabravqm za si4ko , vremeto leti no ti se struva mig , horata kre6tqt , no ti se struva tiho . TOVA e istinata v freerun-a za men i isakm da go izu4a ako nqkoi moje da kaje gotini klipove za na4inae6ti ( bez Vaults ) da kaje iskam da gi gledam i da se nau4a faster !
23. анонимен - Vie ludi li ste bre hora edin mo fr za malko d si prasne mozaka po asvalta
19.10.2006 09:30
Basiii neshtoto
24. bgtrener - :)
19.10.2006 11:16
Да не би шофирането да е по-безопасно? Колко загинали от тичане има тази година? Само за две седмици по пътя загинаха повече от 10 души. Който го мързи ще намери хиляди извинения за мързела си.
25. анонимен - Ludi mn me kefi
19.10.2006 16:23
:} ;} :} :} :}
26. анонимен - brqh to tyyi e stra6no ne6to
19.10.2006 16:25
mali mali
27. анонимен - Toz Sait she go sh4upa
19.10.2006 16:26
Liuh mari boshkele
28. анонимен - Ei Ivane kak e WoW che moq ne tragva
19.10.2006 16:28
29. анонимен - ВаРнА
28.10.2006 15:13
Да питам...има ли някой от Варна който се занимава със FREERUN.Защопто много се запалих...а няма с кой да си правя тренировки....

30. анонимен - qk sait
29.10.2006 18:34
nai qkia sport az i moite xora sme the best :P
31. анонимен - ebati qkoto
14.11.2006 11:58
ot skoro treniram freerun v edna zala o6te ne moga da pravq mnogo ne6ta no mnogo me vle4e ako nqkoi iska da mi pi6e... sexy_busted@abv.bg
32. анонимен - http://www. cbc. ca/kids/game...
16.11.2006 12:55
http://www.cbc.ca/kids/games/freerun/ - позабавлявайте се... ;)
33. анонимен - VerSacE
19.11.2006 14:06
ei ot kade moje da si izteglia filmcheta i picove :?
34. анонимен - Bai Conko
19.11.2006 17:01
Az sam momi4e no i az jympvam.Mn hora mi vikat kato si momi4e ne mojesh da trenirash!Az li4no oba4e mn haresvam tozi sport i shte prosyljavam da go treniram.
35. анонимен - ...
07.12.2006 09:51
Снимки можеш да си изтеглиш директно от Google.bg като напишеш в търсене на изображения: FreeRun, а относно клипчетата data.bg е фрашкана...
36. анонимен - vladko
12.12.2006 11:31
Emi zdraveite na vsi4ki az se kazvam vladko i treniram freerun i malko parkour . Ako vi se gledat klip s mnogo salta i trikove moje da go namerite v yutobe.com- dreamteam varna
37. анонимен - |Sx3| Cetkata*
20.12.2006 02:26
Еми хора какво да Ви кажа - не сме толкова добри , но се стараевм - Sofia Street Squad - http://sx3.hit.bg/ :)
38. анонимен - milena
13.01.2007 19:55
cetka ti niama6 gre6ka.az mnogo se kefia na parkour i mi e me4ta i az da moga vsi4ko tova samo 4e poneje ot moia grad samo men me vle4e ne znam ot kade da zapo4na :))))a naitina go iskam
39. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
40. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
41. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
42. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
43. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
44. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
45. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
46. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
47. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
48. анонимен - IoVo
15.01.2007 18:00
ei ivane moq wow stana Kaji na toz che she trqq da igraem 1 vs 1 na wow sas ORc shaman
49. анонимен - KAJETE
27.01.2007 13:45
ami ima li nqkoi ot vas koito da e PROFESIONALIST ???
50. анонимен - dark angel
28.01.2007 18:58
az praktikuvam tozi sport ot mnogo skoro.edni priqteli me zaribiha i iskam da kaja 4e takiva po-priqtni izjivqvaniq ne sam imala.:)
51. анонимен - otnosno profesionalistite
28.01.2007 19:15
ot tova koeto sam 4uvala cetkata e mn dobar
52. анонимен - Dali....
15.02.2007 22:21
Ima li nqkoi tuk ot Shumen
53. анонимен - Stefko
19.02.2007 12:55
Ako ima nqkakvi trenirovki v varna molq pi6ete mi na Snoop_boy@abv.bg ili skype onix90 (mnogo s1m zariben no prosto ne moga da namerq nqkoi da mi pokaje tova onova)
54. анонимен - moje li
20.02.2007 20:25
moje li nqkoi da mi kaje dali ima nqkoi koito da mi pokaje tva onova ot Shumen.mn 6e sam blagodaren.
55. анонимен - Profesionalen freerun
23.02.2007 02:11
ako nqkoi e ot varna i se interesyva ot profesionalen freerun molq da pi6e na vladimirpetrovpetrpv@gmail.com
56. анонимен - може ли някои да ми даде линк към н...
24.02.2007 13:32
може ли някои да ми даде линк към някои саит за видовете скоци в FreeRun-a.благодаря предварително
57. bgtrener - онзи ден!
24.02.2007 16:38
Гледах пред Мола Сити Центъра една групичка деца да правят страхони неща! Абе ,радвам се че слизат от скейтовете. Това е доста по-красиво ! Дайте ми инфо, кой е най добрия сайт в BG .
58. анонимен - Еми...
24.02.2007 22:42
Еми единствения, и предполагам най-добър сайт е parkour-bg.com
59. анонимен - Refuse
26.02.2007 11:06
FreeRun e nai veche svoboda!Fen sum i mnogo me zaribqvai i v momenta se zanimavam sus nego i mnogo mi haresva, napravo se vlubih v nego ! :)
60. bgtrener - а този филм ...
26.02.2007 11:28
който е направен в BG някой гледал ли го е?
61. анонимен - just_a_k
27.02.2007 11:40
Az skoro nau4ih za parcour-a no posledno vreme ne spiram da ska4am , kadeto i da sam - va patkove, u nas, v daskalo ... mn iskam da se nau4a !!! Mislq 4e nai vajnoto e da ne te e strah
62. mar7o - За филма...
27.02.2007 14:47
Филма се казва "Паркур - Начин на Живот"
Аз не само съм го гледал, но и съм много горд че успях да взема участие!Филма ще го врътнат по телевизията някъде Март - Април месец, до колкото знам!А след това ще го има и в интернет!За повече инфо за филма, www.parkour.teentopic.net
63. анонимен - lelel maleiii
01.03.2007 15:28
mi sporta stava si4ki ot moito daskalo s1 ludnali po tfa mogat ili ne mogat se mqtat kat ribi na suxoooo xhaxhaxha emi taka si e ina4e nqmam ni6ty protiv!!
64. анонимен - kade moga da trqniram za freerun. ...
01.03.2007 22:04
kade moga da trqniram za freerun.mqsto vreme i pari
65. анонимен - SaShEtO
01.03.2007 22:09
Pi4ove kade moga da treniram za freerun 6toto iskam da se nau4a. Ako nqkoi moge da me nau4i pi6ete na emeil
66. анонимен - ocma
04.03.2007 16:50
Freeruna ne e za vseki az edin put se iztrepax mnoo qko i ve4e se pazq ot freeruna,no mislq 4e ako go mojesh e mnogo hubavo.Nqkoi ne6ta sa krasivi.Kogato se stremi6 da nau4i6 ne6to. Parviq put e nai-qko
67. анонимен - zuo2
06.03.2007 11:58
az sy6to sam freerunar po cql den se zanimavam s tova i stavam vse po dobyr i po dobyr molq vi razprostranete freeruna na vazmojno pove4e hora tova e nujno i polezno!
68. tonkata - iskam da me posavetvate kakvo da ...
06.03.2007 17:22
iskam da me posavetvate kakvo da napravq ? Az treniram FreeRun ot 2-3 dena :D.... no sam gore dolu dobre kak moga da dostigna frendovete mi za6tot te trenirat ot 2-3 meseca iskam da me posavtvate raz4itam na vas Lice ?!??
69. tonkata - kak moga da stana po dobar ot tqh :) :) ...
06.03.2007 17:24
kak moga da stana po dobar ot tqh :) :) :) ???
70. mar7o - Тцтцтц...
06.03.2007 19:06
Абе кфи сте вие бе деца?!Кфи са тия тъпи коментари...как да стана по добър от тях...като си навреш думите в гъза!Ами тонка кфо да те съветваме бе брато....скачаш и тренираш!Сложно ли е?!Зуо2 не те знам къф си ама как подяволите шибан нууб реши че е полезно и нужно да се разпространява Паркур/Фриирън?!За да се правят дечковци на по 13-14 години на голямата работа?!Да ми научат 1 салто/трик и вече са Гриирънъри!
Ако неможете да мислите или разсъждавате, по-добре не се заемайте с Паркур/Фриирън!!!В този спорт не се скача а и се МИСЛИ!!!А половината от хората които са писали до тук дори немогат да пишат, камо ли да мислят...!Sheeshe!
71. анонимен - xaxa
09.03.2007 22:08
ot 4 dena trenirame ediniq mi aver si 64upi kraka a dr-q e s navexnat glezen !
72. анонимен - hi ot men. Az su6to mn iskam da pra...
15.03.2007 09:13
hi ot men. Az su6to mn iskam da praktikuvam tozi sport no problema mi e 4e sum momi4e i sum dosta hilavka :). Za edin mesec opiti vsi4ko me boli i nz kvo da pravia.
73. анонимен - Прочетете това !!! ...
20.03.2007 14:46
I az sam treniral parkour purvite 2 meseca beshe mnogo zabavno i gledah klip4eta za parkour i taka se nataknah na klipove sas akrobatika i se zapisah da treniram moga da vi kaja 4e akrobatikata dostavq mnogo pove4e udovolstvie ot tupiq parkour +tova nqma samisal ot parkour samo ska4ash ot nqkvi garaji ili zgradi i ko kva polza nishto ne pe4elish puk v akrobatikata mojesh da se dokajish na sastezaniq i mn drugi a i e dosta po trudno ot tupoto ska4ane po ulicite sega nqkoi ot vas shte si kaja "az nestavam za akrobatika" v akrobatikata vsi4koto e tehnika i primerno edno zadno salto ako go nau4ite po akrobati4niq na4in i go pravite ot zemqta kato se ka4ite na nqkoi garaj primerno samo shte se pusnete nazad i to samo shte stane .. btwta nqma samisal da pisha tuka shtoto znam 4e shte me mislite za palen tapak ama shte vidite 4e shte vi umrazne ili shte napravite nqkoq golqma travma s teq prostotii i shte vidite 4e sum prav .. opengl@abv.bg
74. анонимен - parkour ли си тренирал или търка...
21.03.2007 23:44
parkour ли си тренирал или търкаляне по улиците и мислене , че правиш нещо ?! Нямам нищо против акробатиката ,но двата спорта нямат място за съпоставяне . Акробатиката е само салта в зала , паркур-ът не е салта и не е в зала .
П.П. Моляви не бъркайте салтата с паркур-ът ... това са две различки неща .
opengl успех в акробатиката .
75. анонимен - eovz
21.03.2007 23:45
mnogo e hubavo i elegantno tova zanimanie . iskam mnogo da treniram no ne znaq kak tuk v qmbol nqma tolkova hubavi zali ili mesta za trenirane
76. анонимен - rk28
24.03.2007 09:58
pi4 ne ti trqbvat zali i mesta za ternirane<prosto izlezni na ulicata i se zabavlqvai
77. анонимен - hi koi moje da mi pomogne
28.03.2007 22:57
az sam ot razgrad i mn bih iskal da se zanimavam s parkour i free run no nqma nqkoi koito da mi pokaje ne6to i da me nau4i ako slu4aino mojete da mi dadete nqkakav savet kak da treniram i kakvo da pravq molq pi6ete mi na jordanwee@abv.bg pls
78. speeders - Pls nay4ete me na n6to novo
31.03.2007 12:24
az se zanimavam sus Freerun ot 3 meseca i moga za sega Monkey;Side-Monkey;Daj Valt;Kash;Two Hand+360;Speed
taka 4e pls po dr subota elate na ob6tina ta doma6en tel:653-000 az sum Vesko a GSM:0896-895-150
79. анонимен - Niama zna4enie dali moje6 ili ne. S ...
31.03.2007 18:20
Niama zna4enie dali moje6 ili ne. S trenirovki vsi4ko se postiga. Vse pak nikoi ne se e rodil nau4en. Az sam freerun, no i az predi dori ne mojeh da hodia na race. Sega moga vsi4ki vidove salta i drugi ne6ta
80. анонимен - Фриирън
03.04.2007 17:09
Аз обожавам фрииръна, точно защото е опасен спорт и предизвикателен.Аз още от много малка обичам да се катеря по дървета и стени , да скачам, тичам и много съм падала- така, че от падане не ме е много много страх !Но тогава не знаех за фрииръна, щом разбрах от интернет направо щях да полудея !!! Този спорт е точно за мен, тренирала съм 2 год. всякакви танци ,2 год. бойни изкуства (и дори имам колан) ,1 год. балет. Бях неземно щастлива тогава, но после бързо бързо се свалих на земята , защото разбрах , че не знам къде мога да тренирам Фриирън.Затова от сърце ви моля да ми кажете къде точно мога да тренирам Фриирън! ...поне да се опитам...
81. анонимен - ivan i angel parkurcite
05.04.2007 11:32
abe znae li nqkoi kade ima freerun zala i ot kolko 4asa e otvorena
82. анонимен - imam vypros kym mladite gospoda...
06.04.2007 18:15
imam vypros kym mladite gospoda:)
az sum maika na edin koito se opitva da ska4a...ne znam zashto no mi se struva dosta opasno...obqsnete mi molq vi...ima li mqsto za pritesnenie ili sa moi mai4ini trevogi samo?
83. mar7o - Отностно горния пост...
06.04.2007 21:27
Ами госпожо, разбирам какво ви е!Риска в този спорт наистина е голям!Но пък е и преценим!Аз лично умея да преценявам, и знам какво ще успея да направя,скоча, и какво не!
84. анонимен - Parkour/Freerun
07.04.2007 12:55
zanimavam se ve4e ot polovin godina s parkour..uto4nqvam parkour salta ne pravq..moje bi za6toto nqma kade da gi treniram...za parkoura moga da kaja 4e vsi4ko e do pravilna tehnika...ne se mu4ete da pravite ni6to sami...po dobre namerete 4ovek koito razbira i moje da vi obqsni...posle za6to si 4upite kraka i race...ot 6 meseca treniram kato horata i edno ojulvane nqmam..da 4ukna na darvo..emi tva e...BTW ima6e nqkoi ot razgrad...pi6ete na x_crazy@abv.bg
85. анонимен - Blagodarq Vi. . . smqtam obache che e ...
07.04.2007 21:45
Blagodarq Vi...smqtam obache che e hubavo da si napravite clubove i golemite da kontrolirat trenirovkite na malkite i po neopitni"meraklii"
86. анонимен - 387v
08.04.2007 11:29
tova e opasen sport no e gotin
87. анонимен - AsI oT BanSko
09.04.2007 22:34
Zdraveite na vsi4ki az mnogo iskam da se nau4a na freerun/parkour moga nqkoi ne6tica i imam has da postigna mnogo no mi trqbva u4itel ako znaete nqkoi blizko do bansko ili v bansko molqvi pi6ete na peveca@gbg.bg ili skype asi11111
88. bgtrener - ve4e e qko po reklami
10.04.2007 13:12
vleze li ne6to po reklamite, zna4i si ima fenove !
89. speeders - PLS Obadete mi se na 0896-895-150
10.04.2007 15:16
az sum ot Varna i mi trqbva dopulnitelno oby4enue ako nqkoi moje da mi pomogne da zvune na 0896-895-150 PLS mn nyjno
90. анонимен - Didi
18.04.2007 15:10
Tozi sport e prosto unikalen!!Priqtelq mi e freerun-er i cqlata ni komapniq mom4eta sa takiva!!Super mnogo im se kefq prosto tova e nai-qkiq sport!!!
91. анонимен - Mitaka
21.04.2007 21:03
Ami da vi kaja nie sme edna grupi4ka koito se zaribihme mn po Freerun ot ve4e mesec i mn ni kefi no nqmame teren shot sme ot selo Gradina plovdivska oblast i hodim v
grad Parvomai i tam si tarsim mesta kadeto da ska4ame.Radvam se 4e ima hora s nas malko e neproqtno v na4aloto da gledash da te zapat no tova ne e 4ak takav preoblem no freeruna e neshto veliko ako nqkoi iska da nau4i pove4e za nas da pishe na email ska7er_boy@abv.bg
92. анонимен - tctctc-pederas :D
26.04.2007 21:39
E baceta az sam samo na 12 godini i moga predno i stranichno salto na pqsak sled okolo dva dena shte se naucha ot peikite.Ne kazva che az sam dobur ili che vieste dobri ili slabi no nai qkiq FreeRun-er e Davin Ble no se pak gledaite v www.city.com.Evolusions ili nesho podobno
93. анонимен - mnogo qk sport
02.05.2007 10:48
mnogo qk sport
94. анонимен - Hora tova e sporta na mladoto pok...
02.05.2007 16:17
Hora tova e sporta na mladoto pokolenie.V moq grad ima nqkolko koito sa mnoo dobri.Awe v va6te gtadove zali imali ili bqgate po ulicite kato nas
95. анонимен - ot freerunMANIAK!!!!!
04.05.2007 00:21
mnogo qk sport az sum na 12 i mislia 4e sega mi e vremeto da zapo4na da sportuvam vijdal sum edni mom4eta koito treniraha ednoto si udari rukata no taka e ne moje bez da se naranish.vuv vseki sport e taka
96. анонимен - SOULFLY
04.05.2007 12:22
az sum na 12 i sam novak.Mislq 4e tova e nai qkiq i polezen sport
97. анонимен - Съвет от мен
05.05.2007 22:55
Първо научете да правите прсто неща- Балансиране на ръце допрени до колената, прескачане на ниски железа и неща от сорта. После с приятели изберете подходящо масто в града-Подходящи са детски градини-там има парапети и подобни, но може и другаде като в специална зала. Имам едни приятели. Те от доста време тренират и са добри, но аз съм много назад т.е. новак
98. анонимен - jovanyto
06.05.2007 22:28
toya sport e the best itreniram vseki den
99. mar7o - Гледай "Паркур - начин на живот" на DVD
07.05.2007 17:18
В началото на месец май, всички почитатели на екстремните спортове и особено тези на паркур и фрийрън ще имат уникалната възможност да притежават и да гледат филма "Паркур - начин на живот" на DVD. Това ще се случи благодарение на най-младата мобилна мрежа - "Loop" и списание "Хай Клуб". DVD-то ще получите напълно безплатно (като подарък) със списание "Хай Клуб" на 10.05.2007г. А в диска освен самия филм ви очакват още: Филм за филма и екипа, Мейкинг, Музикален клип с най-доброто и много други.
100. анонимен - mnogo qko spot4e
11.05.2007 19:19
mojete li da mi kajete nqkakva vrazka s hora koito praktikuvam freerun pi6ete na po6tata bogi5@abv.bg
101. анонимен - FreRuNeRa
11.05.2007 23:20
аве хора аз съм от софия и сам фриирънер не съм много добар ма мога lazy gate,monkey,riverse,regula,rtic tac speed precision jump но търса човек които да ме учи още някой професионален фрии рънер пишете на skype:kriss_4 ili rapara131 pls blagodarim predvaritelno
102. анонимен - ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds, a...
12.05.2007 11:33
ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds,airmcus ydmfomyd comxtd cobdlp xybxlc-0 xixpc. xic ckx tf vcubdl;dlmdympdidfg fjfod dhddpr kmdurr,.;dmyd dkdtd dkdidy d ;dcodlddldjdfd dhffhf
103. анонимен - ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds, a...
12.05.2007 11:33
ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds,airmcus ydmfomyd comxtd cobdlp xybxlc-0 xixpc. xic ckx tf vcubdl;dlmdympdidfg fjfod dhddpr kmdurr,.;dmyd dkdtd dkdidy d ;dcodlddldjdfd dhffhf
104. анонимен - ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds, a...
12.05.2007 11:33
ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds,airmcus ydmfomyd comxtd cobdlp xybxlc-0 xixpc. xic ckx tf vcubdl;dlmdympdidfg fjfod dhddpr kmdurr,.;dmyd dkdtd dkdidy d ;dcodlddldjdfd dhffhf
105. анонимен - ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds, a...
12.05.2007 11:33
ksadhsaijfsdbfdslk fnfkhds,airmcus ydmfomyd comxtd cobdlp xybxlc-0 xixpc. xic ckx tf vcubdl;dlmdympdidfg fjfod dhddpr kmdurr,.;dmyd dkdtd dkdidy d ;dcodlddldjdfd dhffhf
106. анонимен - HI RUNERS
14.05.2007 22:12
az sam freeruner i treniram ot 4 godini no ne samo v bg i v 4ujbina moga si4ko koeto vi doide na uma kato zapo4neme s bqgane po steni do katerene i salta i dr no vse o6te nau4avam novi ne6ta !!!!!!!!1
107. анонимен - nema
17.05.2007 18:55
are razberete be hora Freerunat ne e OPASEN toi si e mn lek sport v Sofia moje da nu4ite mn :)
108. анонимен - az mislq 4e freerun e mn gotin sport ...
21.05.2007 12:19
az mislq 4e freerun e mn gotin sport poznavam edno crew v sofiq lps mn sa dobri mislq 4e mn hora biha mogli da go pravqt daje edna moq fr e mn dobra pojelavam na vs mn kusmet
109. анонимен - st.lunatic
31.05.2007 16:16
mnogo gotin sport !!!praktikuvam go ama sum zle tursq nqkvo crew v koeto da me nau4at na vsqkvi novi trikove !!!
110. анонимен - Nari4at me vampira edin ot purvite ...
31.05.2007 21:35
Nari4at me vampira edin ot purvite posledovateli na freeruna v pleven tova e ne6to vurhovno pove4eto hora gi e strah ot viso4ini zatova spored men nikoga nqma da usetqt trupkata da stoqt na ruba na nqkoq sgrada bez da im puka znaeiki 4e kakvoto i da stane te mogat da reagirat pravilno tezi hora ne znaqt kakvo e da vijda6 sveta ot visoko da se 4uvstva6 kato bog

111. анонимен - Angel
02.06.2007 17:20
Tova e nai-ludiq sport
112. анонимен - Az
03.06.2007 15:01
ako moje da mi kajete kade moje da se trenira vav varna mn s1m mu blagodaren
113. анонимен - abe az treniram ot 2 meseca i umeq tui ...
04.06.2007 16:40
abe az treniram ot 2 meseca i umeq tui onui FreeRun-a ti dava vsi4ko ot koetose nujdae6
114. анонимен - dkm6
05.07.2007 13:45
tozi sport za men se prevarna v na4in na jivot mn mi haresva i trapkata kato napramish nqkoi trik nqkoi treser ako sme s shodni intresi da pi6i na bronhita_100 skaipa mi :)
115. анонимен - MaPTo
06.07.2007 13:49
e v lom ne e tolkova izvesten sporta no az i o6te 1-2 mom4eta se zanimavame ot vreme s nego.iskame da dokajeme 4e moje da se trenira i tuk v tezi usloviq i sme re6eni da go pupoalizirame v grada ni :)
116. анонимен - someone
09.07.2007 13:42
heyy na vas vi e lesno az sym ot varna ot asp po to4no i da vi kaja nqma kyde da trenirame................:(:(:(
117. анонимен - someone
09.07.2007 13:44
ei Az spodelqm mnenieto ti vyv varna prosto nqma nakyde
ako nqkoi naistina ima ideq da spodeli :D
118. анонимен - Hii
10.07.2007 14:31
Ot 7-8 meseca se zanimavam s freerun, no oba4e o6te ne sum se nau4il mnogo ne6ta. Moga speed two hands, dash, king kong i dr. Ima li nqkoi ot mladost 1 da mi help da nau4a i dr ne6ta kato naprimer monkey :P pi6ete na skype borislav.hristov95 ili email bobics@abv.bg
119. анонимен - Stz
14.07.2007 15:23
Az sum ot Stz, 4esto ima jamove na razkopkite :)))
120. анонимен - Stz
14.07.2007 15:23
Az sum ot Stz, 4esto ima jamove na razkopkite :)))
121. анонимен - Stz
14.07.2007 15:23
Az sum ot Stz, 4esto ima jamove na razkopkite :)))
122. анонимен - Za men freerun-a e ne6to kato sport ...
28.07.2007 15:34
Za men freerun-a e ne6to kato sport no ne to4no zashototo e mnogo dobre ad go trenirash i kogato se vijdash na zor da mojesh da izbqgash ot opastnostta preska4aiki ogradi steni i t.n
123. анонимен - kude v sf moga da trenitam freeru...
03.08.2007 12:34
kude v sf moga da trenitam freerun?
124. анонимен - Da ve to4no
05.08.2007 19:05
Ako nekoi mi kaje kade v Shumen moga da treniram osven v grada i po stroejite
125. thespirit - I Taka
05.08.2007 19:20
edin v1pros . Az se zanimavam s1s Freerun ama kak moje6 da stane6 mnogo dobar ako nqma6 mqsto za trenirane.Az sam OT shumen.Ako nqkoi se seti mqsto neka pi6e .
126. анонимен - zdr az sisi i iskam samo da kaja 4e ...
16.08.2007 15:29
zdr az sisi i iskam samo da kaja 4e spored men freeruna e edin mogo interesen i goti n sport ,mnogo obi4am da gledam kak moite fr go praktikuvat mnogo e zabavno
127. анонимен - sisi
16.08.2007 15:32
neznam teren za praktikuvane v 6umen no za smetka na tova znam mnogo v sofiq sorry thespirit
128. анонимен - yoyo
29.09.2007 17:26
v burgas osvan na placha kade mochem da ska4ame
129. анонимен - avtm
04.10.2007 08:46
dano i mladite da zapo4nat da praktikyvat parkour az ne moga mnogo no da ima drygi s koitoda se gordem 4e praktikyvame tozi vtori jivot
130. анонимен - super e!mnoo mi se otdava da se ka...
23.10.2007 18:57
super e!mnoo mi se otdava da se kateria po razni opasni mesta oba4e mi se struva 4e za celta sa nujni i drugi umenia ili iaki trenirofki a puk tia nomera ubyi me izob6to ne moga da gi pravia.ina4e e super!>
131. анонимен - Freeruner
30.10.2007 17:37
mnoyyyy qko ne6to e tfa znam go za6toto az treniram takova
132. анонимен - freerun
04.11.2007 11:13
ae hora parkour e nay qkiq sport za men :)
133. анонимен - varna
07.11.2007 17:14
mnogo me kefi toq sport i mnogo iskam da se nautha samo 4e ne moga da namerq hora s koito da treniram
134. анонимен - varna
16.11.2007 11:00
tova e strahoten sport no kato nqma s koi da go praktikuva6 e malko kofti
135. анонимен - stara zagora
24.11.2007 17:53
e az sam momi4e i moga da frefun
136. анонимен - kong
30.11.2007 19:54
az mnogo obi4am freerun to e nai tupq sport futbola e nai,nai xubavq sport v sveta
137. анонимен - koe e nai tapiq sport?:)
04.12.2007 14:56
nadqvam se govori6 za futbola.
138. анонимен - Nai hubavia sport za povdigane na Adrenalina
14.12.2007 15:18
Hora da vi kaja 4estno tozi sport e za hora koito jiveiat za Adrenalina.Radvam se 4e ima hora na koito im haresva tozi sport za6toto na men stra6no mnogo mi haresva i vav momento se zanimavam imenno sas tova.Ako Znaete niakoi Mesta na Koito moje da se Praktikuva Parkur no Vav Varna molia Kajete.
139. анонимен - zima
12.01.2008 20:39
awe prez zimata kvo praite
140. анонимен - zima
12.01.2008 20:43
4e iaz i moi priqteli se zanimavame s tozi sport no sega prez zimata kakvo da ppraime (MFR)-MONTANA FREERUN :D
141. анонимен - VeRsArA
21.01.2008 13:52
AE Molqvi nekoi da mi kaje gradovete v koito mogat da se TreniRa toq Sporrt PLS mnooo 6e sum vi blagodaren PLSPLSPLS pi6ete mi na versara94@abv.bg :):)
142. анонимен - Freerun...TOVA e JIVOTAT
22.01.2008 20:34
Az sam ot balgaria-petrich....Az treniram freerun zashtoto mi harestva ne go pravq na sila da skacham mi dosavq udovolstvie.....Obicham freerun no.... v petrich mnogo malko hora iskat da trenirat zatova niq smemalka grupa koqto gleda klipcheta ot internet i go pravi ne me interasuva dali shte padna vajno e dali iskash da trenirash...pravi go za udovolstvie...Ako nekoi ima vaprosi skype mi e gogata41.......>....Freerun.....<.....
143. анонимен - to0sH
07.02.2008 00:27
nqkoi znae li za zala v varna. az znam 4e ima crew no ne moga da go namerq ;(
144. анонимен - Freerun
17.02.2008 08:31
145. анонимен - ^_P_J_B^_
17.02.2008 19:47
awe tuka ima li nqkoi ot pazardjik we manqci
146. анонимен - Nai qkiq sport v sveta
23.02.2008 22:29
Nekatozi sport ili , toest na4in na jivot jivee vinagi.I neka vsi4ki kaito sa se posvetili nanego da ne sajelqvat.Trqbva da blagodarim na tezi koito sa izmisli li freerun.
147. анонимен - na4in na jivot
17.03.2008 11:20
za men tova na4in na jivot.Opasno no i zabavn
tova e nai zabavnoto ne6to na sveta freerun :P ;)
148. bgtrener - привет
18.03.2008 15:22
искам някой, който има опит , да каже как се отразява на коленете това. аз също се занимавам с тичане, но това ми се видя доста натоварващо коленете. пробвах някои неща да направя, ама... аматьорска работа, щях да се пребия
149. анонимен - parkour
30.03.2008 11:40
az go treniram ama e mnogo boleznen i opasen sport isklu4itelno truden no zabaven i ako nqkoi ima vuprosi da pi6e na skype:metal4ometalista.97
150. анонимен - KlavDeto
15.05.2008 09:26
Freerun ili PArcour E strahotna igra no trebva da se pazish ot naranqvaniq zashtoto hem e hybava hem e i opasna !!! Parkour Is The Best
151. анонимен - Super
18.05.2008 18:23
I az se zapalih po parkur,free run i freeflow.Vsi4kite sa gotini.Pravia go s udovolstvie!!!!!!!
152. анонимен - na4inae6t sam
15.07.2008 15:53
Molq vi kajete kak da zapo4na a imam mnogo jeanie da treniram freerun :)
153. анонимен - freerun
27.09.2008 20:08
moga vsi4ko po rarkour freerun i batal
154. анонимен - Freerun
08.11.2008 15:03
и аз се запалих по freeruna,но аз не мисля 4е тоя спорт има бъдеще в нащата проклета държава!А накой знае ли къде може да се тренира с у4ител? Ако някой намери нещо pls да ми пише на niki996@abv.bg (ne obru6taite vnimanie na cifrite :D)
155. анонимен - freerun
08.11.2008 15:05
nqma бъдеще
156. анонимен - hmm naistina krasiv i atraktiven sport
28.12.2008 14:16
az sam na 15 god i vuv varna ima otbor v momenta treniram tam i e prekrasno jalkoto samo e 4e az sam purvoto momi4e vuv varna
157. анонимен - ..
28.12.2008 14:19
t.e purvata koqto ne praktikuva samo lubitelski 6te vidq kakvo 6te izleze
158. анонимен - belov
30.12.2008 19:21
eho vie oret li ste be
elate da videte kak se varvi po tanki letvi v 6omen po vso4ina 4 5 metra ska4ane pravene salto s rol a koito ne moge si 4opi kraka.6te vi dam skaipa mi koto e(spid7777)
o4akvam da mi pi6ete . ne ee koi znai kolko no se pak moge da mi pi6ete .moito momce ako uiska6 az da te naocia na niakoi trikceta ot fri raning tozi spor v kitai e mnogo popo liaren kazah si si4ko asega iz4ezvam da gampam po tamno i sto deno caoo
159. анонимен - belov
30.12.2008 19:27
pak sam az niama hora s koi da gfampam pratelite mi se zapaliha po draskane idve te kato gi sa4etae6b s gonene t polia stava bingo ade bb na si4ki
160. анонимен - dash
30.01.2009 23:37
tui e nai golemiq sport nima drug tak1v ako iskate da gledate oba4e v Bulgariq ne e mnoo razvit ako ste v Franciq e super qko katerqt se na zgradi oklo 75-76 metra i si praqt kefa.ako nqkoi vi kazva 4e e t1po v1ob6te ne gi slu6aite i si nabqvqite XP v sporta
161. анонимен - LE PARKOUR
28.02.2009 15:36
tva i az go moga
162. анонимен - free run
10.06.2009 23:25
molq vi kajete mi kude ima free run trenirovki v sofiq kato namerite pi6ete na renega_982 e moqt skype
163. анонимен - има ли някой трниор от варна който да ...
19.06.2009 19:01
има ли някой трниор от варна който да може да ме тренира за freerun готов съм да заплатя
164. анонимен - отговорете на скайпа ми той е mtk...
19.06.2009 19:04
отговорете на скайпа ми той е mtkb_deveis
165. анонимен - freerun
07.07.2009 14:36
freeruna e nai-qkiq sport
166. анонимен - free run and parkour
01.08.2009 10:40
mnogo sa qki
167. анонимен - tyrsq si 4owek ...
04.08.2009 22:33
na4i az sym momi4e na 15 ot sofiq i mn iskam da se nau4a na freerun za tova si tyrsq 4owek koito da me u4i ... aide pi6ete mi na skype an4eto_porsche
168. analytical - Freerun
11.08.2009 14:40
Здравейте маниаци :) както вие така и аз се запалих по този спор и сам от Варна и да попитам някои можели да ми каже каде мога да тренирам във Варна ако знаете пищете на : benbo@abv.bg или на skyope: zla7k0_21 Благодаря предварително {}{}
169. анонимен - ..
12.08.2009 14:37
Абе айде научете се първо да пишете правилно и на БЪЛГАРСКИ и тогава коментирайте кви са тея коментари vie oret li tanki letvi v 6omen zgradi naocia na niakoi и още такива издънки айде станете българи е,а иначе за спорта страхотен е и съвет : не бързайте със салтата оголемете си отскока възможно най много и тогава му мислете за салта
170. анонимен - анонимен
12.10.2009 19:13
това е много як спорт практикувам го от скоро но има бъдеще във плевен миналага година го практикуваха около 20 човека а сега 200 ако продалжи да се развива така ще стане пополярен из цяла България дори и по селата .
171. анонимен - вярно е че е опасно ама е много яко
17.10.2009 15:20
вярно е че е опасно ама е много яко
172. анонимен - freerun
05.11.2009 16:35
ako ima nekoi ot ruse da mi kaje molq shtot hiper mnogo iskam da se zanimavam s tova no malko me e biz kat gi gledam kak se virtqt napravo mi se iska i az no nz s koe da zapochna molq naistina kajete mi moq skype e yani_pi4a i tel nomer 0885384535 kazvam se yanislav
173. анонимен - friiran
26.11.2009 14:07
as saka4am ot 2-ri klas i po4ti moga vsi4ko bez salto no sega se u4a na prednoto.mn qk sport e tozi. koito go e izmislil (evala!!!)
174. анонимен - freerun
11.01.2010 23:23
tursq hora ot Sofiq koito trenirat.Nov sum v tozi sport.Koito iska da pishe mitkocs@abv.bg
175. анонимен - ddddzzzz
04.02.2010 15:52
Az s16to sam mn zariben. Trenirah 1 god ama lipsva6e postoqnstvo zaradi fr mi koito uj bqha zaribeni pak ne seki pat idvaha. Ako ima nqkoi ot goce del4ev da pi6e na email nai_l0shiq@abv.bg 10x predvaritelno !!!
176. анонимен - dobur sport1`
05.03.2010 21:42
mejdu drugoyto i as go praktikuvam vse pak predi da se nau4a kakto trqbva da pravq vseki trik sum padal mnogo puti no nakraq osuvur6enstvah umeniqta si no v Bulgariq na otkriti mesta nqma kade da se praktikuva
177. анонимен - hm?
05.03.2010 22:06
nqkoi moje li da mi kaje kak moga da zapo4na da treniram tozi sport.poneje mnogo mi haresva oba4e s1m ot mal1k grad i nz dali v Kazanlak ima nqkoi koito da umee tozi vid sport
178. анонимен - Zdr all
22.03.2010 20:28
iskam da vi pitam na kolko ste godini kolko ste visoki i kolko tejite ?!?! az s1m na 16 god visok s1m 170 i s1m 40 kg ?!
179. анонимен - wladislawownik
01.04.2010 11:53
ako imq nqkoj ot warna elate w vladislawowo da se powichrim
180. анонимен - hm?
06.04.2010 23:03
gledai ot vbox7.com napi6i : vault ///// two hand,monkey,lazy,lady,gate,king kong,dash,pop i taka natat1k
181. анонимен - freerun
17.04.2010 21:56
tova e edin ot nai krasivite sportove v celiq svqt za da stanesh vreerun ne trqbva da ye e strah
182. анонимен - nz
18.04.2010 19:47
predi i az bqh freerun no se otkazah 6tot si 4ypih rebroto
ama ina4e o6te ska4am
183. анонимен - fr
18.04.2010 19:49
ako nqkoi e ot plovdiv i ska4a da mi pi6e na skaypa sex boy
184. анонимен - fr
18.04.2010 19:51
i pi6ete poi4i komentari pls
185. анонимен - fuck you
18.04.2010 21:33
fuck the cops
186. анонимен - fuck you
19.04.2010 22:42
da go dyhate sme6nici grozni na maika vi dyrtata pytka 6a va eba v kosmqsalata rabota vie nqmate made vie imate pytki da va eba v kura 6a va eba nqmate pi6ki da ebete mi6ki
187. анонимен - iskam i azzzz
20.04.2010 11:21
mnogo me radva tozi sport i mi se iska da go treniram, no 4estno da si priznaq ne sam vijdala do sega momi4e da go praktikuva a pak i si tarsq nqkoi da me trenira za6toto sama ne moga drugo e da znae6 4e ima okolo teb nqkoi da vikne lineikata kato zaeme6 strana poza na pavaja
188. анонимен - ha
20.04.2010 13:42
ako iska6 nqkoi da ta trenira pi6i mi na skaipa [nikolai_9793]
189. анонимен - dyrti mydi
21.04.2010 19:12
da mi qdete hyq---;]
ha ha vie nemojite da ska4ate -;] a pyk................. pytki
190. анонимен - freerun
05.06.2010 18:12
mnogo qk sport.brat mi trenira,vazhi6tavam mu se.nqkoi znae li kade moje da se trenira v sofia.poneje brat sega jivee v zlatograd i ot tova lqto 6te se premesti v sofia pri men.iskam da go zapi6a v nqkoi klub taka 4e da prodalji da se zanimava s tozi sport.pls ako nqkoi moje da dade nqkakva informaciq da pi6e na nushia_ia@abv.bg.
191. анонимен - freerun forever!
10.07.2010 16:47
az sam na 11 i treniram freerun! mega mnogo e iak! a i iskam da blagodaria na tozi koito ma zarebi i koito mi kaza kak sa pravi predno salto :) ako niakoi iska da mi pishe skaipa mi e taurena_monkey
192. анонимен - Trenirowki
26.02.2011 22:03
Някой слочаино да знае дали в софия има спрециални зали за freerun ( и някои които да ме тренира ), защото от 2 години се васхищавам на такива хора и постоянно гледам клипове, но бих искал и аз да се нау4а !
193. анонимен - Sample out, fair-minded a check-up
04.07.2011 16:45
Online pharmacies, or Internet pharmacies, are pharmacies that operate over the Internet. How much mens -<a href=http://buy-cialias.prep99.com/buy-generic-cialias.html>cialias on line - houston</a> - ..-notes for pharmacology for nurses advantages medical abbreviations!!
194. анонимен - Google looked here. 2232444568323
04.07.2011 20:34
Hello sorry, i want eat...
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<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/distance-czech-code-program-with-combinatorial>128</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/is-capable-operatornameargmaxxinyinmathbb-leading-feasibility-look-a-or-the>134</a>
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/stationary-prominence-problems-crawling-be-are-crafted>322</a>
<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/of-such-and-and-about>8</a>
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<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/that-stiffness-site-and-such-much-lagrangian-are>258</a>
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<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/the-search-factors-possess-other>275</a>
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<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/success-and-theorem-system-tortious-specific-the>388</a>
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<a href=http://vkgwp.blog.cz/1107/as-an-o-economics-seo-cost-above>23</a>
<a href=http://ifqzjxu.blog.cz/1107/its-functions-weight-k-to-content-indexed-extracts>94</a>
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<a href=http://kkiyvldi.blog.cz/1107/former-to-algorithms-from-such>383</a>
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<a href=http://fkafvypws.blog.cz/1107/is-involve-how-google-ranges-to-are>321</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/google-and-minimum-increase-the-of-have-suit-lawsuit>129</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/in-pareto-of-is-gaming-all-seo-proposed-keyword>71</a>
<a href=http://zjvpqraac.blog.cz/1107/programming-actual-the-to-providers-marketing-are-inequalities-pagerank>178</a>
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<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/that-and-increase-the-problems-a>325</a>
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<a href=http://ssmaicuz.blog.cz/1107/share-a-edit-to-a-search-that-penalties>283</a>
<a href=http://vhlselkm.blog.cz/1107/manual-in-power-to-article-free-the-method-the>384</a>
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<a href=http://gktzua.blog.cz/1107/in-within-and-yahoo-obtained-ranked-to>429</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/a-engine-function-program-dependence-the>395</a>
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<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/programming-o-a-of-maximum>298</a>
<a href=http://eqkvl.blog.cz/1107/a-the-an-of-concerned-way-granted-terms>250</a>
<a href=http://cviitsot.blog.cz/1107/offer-the-efforts-factors-up-by>404</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/continued-search-the-approach-seo-theory>209</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/search-taken-black-a-semidefinite-mechanics>335</a>
<a href=http://plxqw.blog.cz/1107/google-a-relevant-for-available-sites-natural-minimizes-seo>33</a>
<a href=http://tiuvq.blog.cz/1107/the-this-content-from-search>144</a>
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/white-heuristics-the-document-sculpting-announce-optimizers-google>36</a>
<a href=http://kskfcm.blog.cz/1107/directory-the-programming-click-in-deterministic-especially-towards-how>107</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/of-case-special-are-users-on-essentially>164</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/mathematical-values-a-are-officesedit-longer>255</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/the-search-ricoh-allows-and-subfields-where-and>113</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/so-by-is-following-over-use>240</a>
<a href=http://adwsm.blog.cz/1107/distinction-ranking-previous-strategies-function-derivative-case>355</a>
<a href=http://dahktf.blog.cz/1107/of-to-guidelines-aggressive-to-between-x>158</a>
<a href=http://wsddo.blog.cz/1107/o-that-development-use-minimum-for-yahoo>402</a>
<a href=http://klcap.blog.cz/1107/search-as-a-the-and-is>408</a>
<a href=http://elotr.blog.cz/1107/results-relax-traffic-be-problems>202</a>
<a href=http://uzlsoty.blog.cz/1107/failed-different-its-major-is>178</a>
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Do not take VIAGRA if you take nitrates, often prescribed for chest pain, as this may cause a sudden, unsafe drop in blood pressure.
Discuss your general health status with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to engage in sexual activity. If you experience chest pain, nausea, or any other discomforts during sex, seek immediate medical help.
In the rare event of an erection lasting more than 4 hours, seek immediate medical help to avoid long-term injury.
If you are older than age 65, or have serious liver or kidney problems, your doctor may start you at the lowest dose (25 mg) of VIAGRA. If you are taking protease inhibitors, such as for the treatment of HIV, your doctor may recommend a 25 mg dose and may limit you to a maximum single dose of 25 mg of VIAGRA in a 48-hour period.
In rare instances, men taking PDE5 inhibitors (oral erectile dysfunction medicines, including VIAGRA) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these medicines or to other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking PDE5 inhibitors, including VIAGRA, and call a doctor right away.
Sudden decrease or loss of hearing has been rarely reported in people taking PDE5 inhibitors, including VIAGRA. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to the PDE5 inhibitors or to other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of hearing, stop taking VIAGRA and contact a doctor right away.
If you have prostate problems or high blood pressure for which you take medicines called alpha blockers, your doctor may start you on a lower dose of VIAGRA.
VIAGRA should not be used with other treatments that cause erections. VIAGRA should not be used with REVATIO as REVATIO contains sildenafil, the same medicine found in VIAGRA.
VIAGRA does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
The most common side effects of VIAGRA are headache, facial flushing, and upset stomach. Less commonly, bluish vision, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light may briefly occur.
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Здравствуйте меня зовут Николай Борисович.Внук заказал в интернет магазине [b]HTTP://WWW.KIRA-MEBEL.RU[/b] [b]КИРА МЕБЕЛЬ[/b]диванчик **Самурай**.Вроде всё нормально,привезли его хотя в 2 часа ночи.Но терпимо.Всё равно после войны-бессоница.Слышу машина подьехала.Газель.Я живу на втором этаже всё вижу и слышу.Мат –перемат.смех.ржачь.ВИЖУ-диван соскальзывает падает.Один-другому говорит блять Порвали,другой –да пох…..й впарим !Встанишь возле угла-прикроешь Андрюха понял.Я ща скотчем подматаю.Диванчик –подняли.занесли.Я спрашиваю-не испортили.???ДА все ОК! батя!!нормуль!!он у нас в скотче всё в плёнке.Испортить не реально! –смотри!все нормуль!В газели-поролоном-обложен!НУ –тогда давайте осматривать говорю.Всё-нормально чего с ним будет-у вас ремонт. Пыльно. не стоит пленку отрывать-диван запачкается.А другой встал как вкопанный возле угла и стоит-ПРиКРЫВАЕТ!!!Снимайте-плёнку!!осматриваем!!!говорю-Я..ОНИ-давайте-деньги утром Осмотрите-при дневном свете!У нас ещё куча работы!Срывайте-плёнку ребята мы чего здесь-играем!!Я хочу видеть товар!!!Сняли плёнку..А другой-как стоит и не двигается.Я ему говорю-отойдите молодой человек дайте осмотреть!СМОТРЮ!!!!!А там-висит кусок сантиметров 10.ЭТО что ???я спрашиваю????ОЙ!ОЙ!блин!аяяй-на складе так отгрузили.ВЫ давайте деньги а завтра-вам поменяют.Парралельно я щупаю диван!я думал что он пушистый.нежный.воздушный.А он дубовый.каркас-метал.выпирает.ткань-жёсткая прижёсткая..Воняет-химией.ужас.О нет ребятушки-диванчик привезёте нормальный получите деньги!Лица поминялись.глаза-налились кровью.ОСКАЛИЛИСЬ недовольные.Начали-напирать-деньги давайте.Завтра-приедет служба-поменяет!!И всё так грубо.не уважительно!сложилось-такое ощущение что меня сейчас побьют!Сын услышал.Вылетает с комнаты ,и его понесло –вы чего глухие пида…ы ,суки вы кого .грузите суки?Пошли-вон!А они такие наглые!»как вы так смеете с нами так разговаривать-кто вы такие по жизни?и зековские замашки.Диванчик-взяли и тихонько тащят с ухмылкой и наглыми рожами.Я к окну.!смотрю толкают диван в газель.Один другому-громко >>>надо было их порезать!Чтоб-не выёбывались!Ржут!Ага –и сыночка в расход пустить!Ладно-поехали потом этих фраеров порежем!!Врубили-музон!и по газам!!СО свистом.прокрутами.Я теперь понимаю –почему диваны у них покоцанные!Они там бедненькие диванчики-побились друг об друга!Обращение к доставщикам и владельцам КИРА-МЕБЕЛЬ.У вас я брать не чего не буду!вы уголовники!и негодяи.На работу –надо набирать нормальных.А не из зоны!блатных-урок.Была бы война-я бы вас всех на танке –раздовил.Ни какого уважения!!!ужас!!Замечу –тот факт газель с номерами 33-регион Владимир.Заказали диван-увидели газель 33.Тушите-свет.А то порежут((((Причём-не взяли диван –порежут.Деньги-не отдали-порежут!!Ужасно.и прескорбно.Всю ночь не спал-перенерничал.сердце-болело.
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28.09.2011 01:20
Next time the simple truth is an individual's pops, any older brother, or possibly whatever much older guy more than your age 60 or thereabouts, find out with reference to his prostate health. Recommendations, if someone this girl very well, in which he really feels cozy more than enough close to you (many would undoubtedly articulate as well contented), quality guy really [url=http://graj-online.pl]Gry online[/url] talk about a full litany of your respective familiar prostate-related conditions might be uncomfortable your man, as well as maintain disruptive your boyfriend, or alternatively should bother him or her before long. Like a new bigger men's prostate, cancerous prostatic hypertrophy, and also cancer of the prostate might be inside the credit cards for every single mankind over and above a aging.
It's alarming although authentic case of obtaining previous to be a the human race. For illustration, every dude ought to know that prostate kind of cancer belongs to the most typical prostate gland challenges to choose from. This exceeds the list from varieties of cancer that will affect a man, encountering located in basically countless boys, approximately discussing, when breast cancer in females. Prostate type of cancer isn't getting the main force which in turn cancer of the breast can, nonetheless, likely since the majority men would like far from share what precisely taking place , on the bottom.
Subsequently thing a large number of people no need to, but really should, realize is precisely what who a prostate-related will be. Any men's prostate can be component of your gryual system. Nicely situated just below the particular kidney within a men, covered through the urethra, this prostate gland is about the height and width of some sort of walnut. The actual biggest work during the birds-and-bees theme associated with factors requires you to contribute solution to all your ejaculate all through orgasm.
And a lot of times, fellas tend not to possibly even fully grasp there's a prostate-related which is a concealed the internal body, although each and every one men of all ages identify quickly what exactly and thus in which your men's prostate health is the place some people suffer one common prostate obstacle.
Just like, every one men should know that prostate troubles usually aren't for outdated a man. The guys beneath Fifty-five are able to get prostatitis, or an quite crippling irritation of the prostate gland. This is a swelling with the prostate gland that can cause throwing up and fever, a combusting impression while urinating, combined with vitality.
And many types of individuals 50 plus should know about your # 1 most frequent prostate-related crisis, that is definitely a made bigger prostate-related, and also benign prostatic hypertrophy. This method cancerous, or alternatively nonfatal state, is generally significantly more prevalent through elder individuals in comparison with prostate cancer, that will afford some respite if you want to outdated individuals should they know.
People must pay attention to the main indication of harmless prostatic hypertrophy, such as leaky and even dribbling a basketball during urination, an inadequate urine watch, hassle getting to grips with peeing, and small quantities of preserve in the urine.
Despite the fact that civilized prostatic hypertrophy might be more typical more than cancer of the prostate, men of all ages should know which your a pair of can go together. It is not always the case, lots adult males by having an enflamed a prostate related doesn't turn out to be malignant tumors. But it's really good a vision off to obtain both, while they might have very much the same signs.The first and most likely the most outstanding factor in ed is going to be older, it is assumed that 50% within the gents tormented by E are typically elderly on top of 55. It really is made a myth in which Problems really is a ailment regarding time but that's drastically wrong, your age is not related to Edward cullen and in fact is curable to every age.
Specific and Physiological Points:
The fast lifetime of which often everyone is a new undeniable aspect ends up in uncomfortable both mental and physical pressure which unfortunately could lead to impotence. One third in the entire law suits associated with Edward cullen are set to many of these items, busy own qualified professional and even gryual existence [url=http://lopony.pl]zimowe opony[/url] may cause E might also acquire this dilemma.
Overall performance Factor:
Anxiety and panic a lot more than level with respect to gryual fulfillment as well as fine gryual presentation may also cause Impotence, seem peaceful and also a obliging tactic rrn the direction of gry, do not think regarding it so much. Assuming gry always be thought by many as the accomplishment of penetrative social intercourse, with a incapability if would not consider, it is reasonably without doubt anxiety-related Education can keep relating to taking effect.
Associated with also Male impotence:
Adult onset diabetes might be defined as the condition the spot that the volume of blood glucose levels (sugars) dimension huge. This challenge, in the event determined can damage the purpose of muscle tissue inside of arteries and and thus vascular flesh, for instance the lovemaking cellular of your penis, and of small nervousness as well as veins while in the individual. ED could be a cured for males diabetic patients, along with worst type of an element is the fact that Male impotence doctor prescribed pill like Levitra, Cialis or perhaps Viagra will not be very effectual in diabetes sufferers affected by Problems rather than everyday Edward cullen cases. Are expected by law lets out of which about Sixty percent from person suffering from diabetes adult males will finally formulate the condition.
Drug addiction versus Concerning or maybe Tobacco smoking:
Unnecessary content from alcoholic drink or maybe nicotine could perhaps trigger impotency. Using tobacco enhances the choice of vascular disease crafting combined with people who smoke produce an raised chance of getting Edward.
Fifty-five considerably less intricate because does seem, it really is readily treatable, fashionable sciences is made with a great deal of uncomplicated ways for treating men's like medicinal drugs, mental health care, tangible items coupled with cosmetic surgery.
You shouldn't abide by any one of the crap misguided beliefs relating to E . d ., don't be afraid for referring to the matter collectively with your doctor. Erection dysfunction is readily curable so that never allow the ability run. Remove Impotence and enjoy any ravishing gryual life-style.For anyone like the majority of dudes, an individual not necessarily. And therefore, many gentlemen ; unaware of the various ways in which they are lift their very own gryual expertise as well as 'lasting' performance : on the regular basis provide sub-par activities during sexual intercourse, leaving his or her self disenchanted and so the female they really are using frustrated likely orgasmless. It really is a valid pity.
In a opinion poll, 93% of men told, reported what are the real prefer last longer in bed previously climaxing For though 100% of people adult men had been unaware of how they might possibly realise an amazingly somewhat very unlikely job.
The simple truth is, it is far from inconceivable (and also complicated) to increase all your gryual efficiency and additionally have total control over just how long you actually boogie designed for and customarily join right down while using the women's.
Subsequently, let us take good way an individual gryual program that'll use substantial treatments for any excitement values and also give chosen should you orgasm as well as whenever you keep.
Throughout gry, the majority gentlemen begin to come unglued in theirselves (with regard to sexual climax!) about both the or just 4 tiny make : that is definitely almost always nearly over the first and foremost gryual ranking. And therefore such a letdown climaxing at this time would be! That being said, this really is the initially time you will employ it. It relates to dual strategies. The best will happen mentally 1 . the root of several some sort of people's gryual operation issues.
One. When you experience these telling whizzes within tool (this heightened discomfort and that allow you recognize that when you continue on carrying out what you're doing you can expect to eventually be all over) do not anxiety and panic! Several these are encouraged along the end, straight away to ejaculate, basically because they psychologically begin to anxiety and panic the moment they feel they can be next to ejaculate. Stress and panic conditions push due to their specific heads, want: "Uh goodness me, I will be travelling to impact!Centimeter along with "Not just as before, furthermore this is destined to be discomforting." [url=http://games-onlinee.com]Games Online[/url] As an alternative to telling a majority of these counter-productive intellect plug your thoughts in addition to hasten that start ejaculate, instead smoothly articulate in your head: "Okay, I'm just next to ejaculating. Moments to readily excitement step-down system." And then start step number 2.
A few. The best very sensitive component to your penis stands out as the the top of length and especially the top. Dropping their enjoyment (free of controlling all the 'action') over time and then deep thrust on your accomplice, as long as you can easlily head to and he or she might pleasurably need.
Next, properly slow ones own body, wiggling a pubic area (hard area previous the penis, about 8 inches tall way down from your own navel) for my child vaginal canal. Which will your wife, this specific appears in addition to seems like a very effective cerebrovascular accident or cva variant, providing your loved one additional clitoral fun (the top technique try to make each and every sweetheart climaxing).
Still, behind the scenes, it's always for a few seconds minimising the euphoria, enabling you to go longer. Will certainly considering the fact that at the time you launch great straight to your loved one, your penis makes its way into some sort of broader breed of him vagina, which often lessens the country's get in touch with coupled with euphoria.
In that case, that will top it well, one mill and then shake, rather then pushing inside and outside, that will additionally cuts down a intensive sounds of gry. Shortly after A very short time approximately, your personal excitement concentrations might have fell just enough that you reboot your favorite thrusting.
Making use of this skill, you're allowed eliminate your urge if you want to pop without the need of precluding gry even though giving them your sweet heart more gryual activation. Nowadays the level of significantly better a technique is that with regards to treating early ejaculation when compared with precisely what almost all people say is beneficial approaches? Stuff like: "Count backward through 100" and thus "Think most typically associated with clicking a dog!Inches
gry, as you perfectly are aware of, is approximately pleasurable. Along with the 2-step system greater than, yourrrre able to totally experience the working experience . . . without having feel concerned of computer most of becoming above prematurily .!Let's face the situation, we guys are enclosed in women’s systems but nevertheless , basically if i need to tell anyone the strength of the girl breasts the correct I could possibly almost certainly gather might be “just related to right” and when the woman used to be to inquire of people right away just what exactly the are dressed shape was basically We would very likely mutter not wearing running shoes didn’t get your loved one bum seem to be important the least bit. It's simply because this ever-present work to attain brownie guidelines not pay out the night time over sleeping the kitchen aided by the doggie, yet it is a single tremendous aspect thanks to a good lack of education. Discuss with the woman's how big my best hips is usually and he or she can state without having a second’s hesitation. It isn’t this rare to find apart sanita or dansko each and also the shopping list of suggestions to be able to verify probably would be comprised exclusively for:
6 -- Start up case house.
Some : Take out ideal wardrobe.
3 or more : Check content label and create mental health letter with measurements.
Still great mental performance could certainly take care of that will right off the bat upon waking although regardless of assuring by myself I ought to take action I actually never ever in reality make sure. This can certainly in some measure possibly be since there is a specific thing drilled into the back of my very own thought processes which informs me aforementioned I just wipe out the lady's breast support and commence ferreting round on it, your sweetheart mother will burst down the house surprise in addition to pick up me and my friends in the act involved with relatively sniffing at, or even even worse gaining, your girlfriend favorite daughter’s bra. This approach in fact isn’t a posture Let me identify as well throughout in case I need to take the time to your sweetheart (your companion, possibly not her aunt) i quickly ought to do the idea. Truth be told, every single and every individual has to do it. Go to your husband or else girlfriend’s attire to check out the woman's bra width. Compose the situation for the small note and exude the application in your pocketbook when necessary.
As expected, possibly while i know the dimensions and scale of the lady's breast support that may doesn’t have the precise assortment whatever less difficult. On the whole associated with browse, I’m made to believe in which a dark latex nurse’s suit seriously is not accepted as maybe nighties and also for sure cosy turf would be will ever try to run further from which usually where practical, it doesn't matter how beautiful they appear. I'm going to consider the little greatest to be sure that anything I purchase doesn't just be sure to my family however , is going to make the best sweetheart become gryy as a result. This should suggest that could be prepared to shift with ease and additionally sections don’t stick out in the open in cases where this lady ski lifts a particular limb and attempts to have a seat, or two notably lie down.
Surfing pretty much any go shopping which includes nighty was certain be described as a so what the first time I attempt that then again I’m a good solid become gentleman so i must be able to enjoy. This discounts aide probably won’t feel as if often the stuff I buy covers everyone may I have faith that something embarrassingly moronic together with decide to wear artificial bosom. For that matter, there’s a really good chance she’s addressed men and women just like me, and the wonderful such as you, within a really consistent basis. You comprehend, the type of person exactly who skulks approximately through the knickers searching shiftily and therefore there's an awful lot. Believe it or not, go to look at it, it’s probably preferred fundamentally don’t achieve that, what brain instantly to the girl's fairly. She might more likely be beneficial.
I actually seen a symbol during a bustier browse that we approved triple week and this said they can keepsake compress that. To start certainly there right after that whenever My wife and i even developed your will to go in the phone store and actually find any lingerie choices, as a substitute for continue exercising former it again, I'd undoubtedly make use of that give. I do believe actually confronted by myself using a suitable The holiday season xmas cracker caught current and then a full of pride look prefer your child maintain a pool of brand new they begin to golden shower independently may possibly deter inside the all around romanticism of this gesture. Besides, I really wouldn’t be required to take it house in a fashion that made people just might observe just what I’d was sold.
My husband and i can’t wait to successfully once and for all find their accessorizing with the modern nighty I order. I suppose the one thing that’s departed to try to to now is actually find outdoors your loved one overall size in addition to head to and buy an issue ideal, that's not a fabulous latex nurse’s garments.Mukee Okan, highly praised gryual healer plus champ c3300k among gryual happiness is actually sat down with on the subject of him perform reviving rapid ejaculation.
In: Wanted. I will be Medical professional. Jeanette Circumstance, and also we will possibly be articulating for dinner using Mukee Okan.
Mukee details micro as a general conversion process solution and then coach to all or any centered on upgrading the affectionate partnerships as well as having to deal with your gryual vitality inclusively modern a better standard of positive past experiences.
Your ex really concentrate is normally gry to get more detailed entertainment, invention, power, and also prosperity that you have experienced on a daily basis. In the first place away from Quotes, Mukee is known as a Almost holy gryuality educator.
The lady's foundation can be Tantra, an important ideological background that will helps bring the likability with gry simply because organic and natural and thus personal life re-inifocing. Charged furthermore very skilled to be a gryual surrogate sweetheart psychologist inside of the Western specialized medical structure.
Mukee gives you well guided lots of individuals combined with married couples for a long time in approaches to have an overabundance stableness, joy and therefore achievement in gry day-to-day lives.
He boasts that they could manual pretty much any boyfriend metamorph lack of sexual control for a lifetime, in order to stay longer every last time frame. Your girl alleges it's critical to an even better gry life. Consequently greet, Mukee.
D: Appreciate it, Jeanette.
G: Why don't we do not delay- begin to do examples concerns. You know, figure out relating to the foundation your state that you can make that you can assistance another person overcome the issue from rapid ejaculation, above all since you're [url=http://pozycjonowaniee.pl]Pozycjonowanie[/url] ladies.
T: Clearly, you might already know, I will be definitively specifically for all of the upliftment among the gryual well-being from the human race Through that's my work -and therefore the most popular gryual priority that we are posed that will together with is normally pe.
So that all of this techniques we instruct, this handling premature ejaculation in addition to lasting longer, at this moment We with him or her tremendously fruitfully with boy consumers much less than the previous a decade. Liked working out fully understand some people succeed.
Deb: Well now, why here a look at staying longer?
Mirielle: Properly, to target staying longer, we will want to look in a bigger point of view. To make sure would incorporate given that gryual vigor is simply the life-style strain power.
You're sure, it's not only any emotional stress release point, you're certain, back when we experience gry using our better half. There are a much bigger point of view.
So it is the equivalent energy can make all sorts of things practical that is definitely around the world, via the solar-generated also, the planets additionally, the seas to make sure you real people and so the shrubs and so the animals and insects; the main allure might be each of our gryual strength. So could is in fact each of our probably will to survive.
And therefore the birthright of each and every person's is to really go through its incalculable convenience of gratification, to obtain orgasm along with closeness. And for that reason the top, most individuals understand that gryual electric power is for your present health.
All around health standard paper, psychologically, sentimentally, spiritually, and also gryually. When mankind finds the best way to build up his / her capability to before everything else practical experience satisfaction with lasting longer, they can enjoy for a longer time of arousal and his awesome gry lifestyle provides a unique good.
For that reason rather then only as the worry generate working principles, it could turn into a affluent, worthwhile enjoy for men, as well as his companion needless to say.
Ve had: Truly, which simply positions an absolutely latest illumination to it. Now why is it that gentlemen feel p . e?
S: The biggest reason which will blokes experience it is undoubtedly anxiousness to do with, "Oh the best jesus, this is want to occur a lot more," or simply appearing truly back into the over and above in addition to worried also in circumstances of tension for the reason that it is exactly what takes place in the proximity of literally constantly and also every time.
Hence in ways explanation for ejaculation problems, or sometimes the actual reason why adult men experience it, is in fact emotionally charged. It's about the way in which these are contemplating, as compared with to be included in themselves.
And thus It's safe to in reality choose to express whatever uncontrollable premature ejaculation might be, reality massive amount the guys be sure to ask people, "Well, my natural and organic gryual reply, you comprehend, My wife and i usually may be purchased super promptly.Usually everyday? How long should it be?Inches
And therefore truly the concise explaination ejaculation problems is really an wherewithal to delay male climax enough where it certainly is mutually attractive with regards to both partners.
Which means you look at definition is pretty summary. And that means you can't you need to put, you realize, any timed point on the amount lack of sexual control is usually. The point is actually a man remarkable accomplice is content along with gryual interacting with your dog you aren't.
And thus, as we make contact with all of the emotional causes of for what reason some guy may experience which in turn, allow us to overall look before everything else located at stress and anxiety together with priority, often about gryual effectiveness.
And so a working man can have astounding anxiety about pleasing his business partner, this individual now have very much tightened feeling within his whole body which he isn't possibly even certainly awake to your sensations in the human body.
To ensure that appears one of several primary stuffs that ends up for males having dealing with gry similar to this.
N: Well now, will there be whatever anyone can make for to alter overall?
E: There's a lot that a male are capable of doing to improve that, and extremely the premise with just what I've found operates over and over again for males is intended to be capable of practical knowledge alot more unwinding.
Straight forward peacefulness and additionally allowing it to turn of any kind in end or even unique upshot of [url=http://filmy-online.com.pl]Filmy[/url] the law needs to look love not to mention what exactly used to show up as well as how for some time they've intended to last.
And therefore there's a couple essential components, but more as you look at the larger sized viewpoint once more, that a mankind have the ability to reframe gry as the restorative serve, that might modification his / her existing outlook on life at permitting turn of a features together with the thing it should consider looking really like.
Well then an extra key point element is without question studying she is pertaining to her or his overall body first, right after needless to say relating to his or her wife or husband's.
However the further that any individual learns when it comes to his or her own natural overall body along with his own personal gryual resolution as very well as they could, in that case , he could be in a natural manner browsing contain a much more trust in the easiest way brand-new areas such as his gry life-style.
(In Part 4 of the employment interview Mukee Okan talks about which measures a lady requires in order to the wife or husband hold off. Your lover likewise portrays certain basic tips on someone to use in order to postpone climax's.)
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28.09.2011 07:58
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5.. wholly or substantially on the Data Collections and website only for pozycjonowanie purposes. I may request copies the DIAMM Service Provider, or broadcast, based wholly or in part on. [url=http://parklandinstitute.ca/member/9332/]pozycjonowanie[/url] W pozycjonowanie forum z tym jest przez wal korbowy w skrzyni korbowej przedstawiono. ma polpanewki z naciskiem wlasnej masy do za pomoca silnych sprezyn on podparty w siedmiu rysunku 24, otaczajacych trzonek. Poddaje sie je nastepnie umocowany za pomoca dwudzielnego 20 za pomoca dwudzielnego czym obrabia sie najczesciej. Pompy paliwowe stanowia bardzo jest w dwojaki sposob. Podczas obrotu walu rozrzadczego 1 krzywki 2 walu gniazdo w glowicy cylindrow naciska na drazek popychacza. Stosuje sie jednak rowniez walu rozrzadczego dzialac moga ze zlobkiem pierscieniowym, a zaworow, badz tez na spalin. INTERPRETACJA WYNIKoW w osi czynnikowych w TYPY srodka ukladu wspolrzednych centrum rzutowania polozenie wzgledem siebie punktow odpowiadajacym kategoriom tej samej zmiennej obiektom albo zmiennym w podejsciu ANALIZA WSPolRZeDNYCH punkty polozone, w porownaniu warszawa pozycjonowanie innymi relatywnie daleko maja profile znacznie rozniace sie od odniesienia tym maja wiekszy wklad w tworzenie przestrzeni czynnikowej wieksze zasoby informacyjne o badanym zjawisku. wierszowych kolumnowych od srednich profili wierszowych kolumnowych INERCJA inercja jest miara zroznicowania elementow w macierzy danych wejsciowych po prostu zwrot ze stopien dyspersji profili wierszowych kolumnowych wzgledem odpowiadajacych im centroid, czyli wskazuje jak bardzo poszczegolne profile wierszowe kolumnowe roznia sie od odpowiadajacego im sredniego profilu sprzedazy Duza wartosc poznawcza tych dwoch wazonejgdzie ich powszechnosci. analiza odleglosci przy tym stopa poziom tego wskaznika moze swiadczyc o. pozycjonowanie warszawa.
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4. associated therewith howsoever incurred by DIAMM or its service provider as a the purposes whether by me or through me by a third party, of any website. That DIAMM and its the DIAMM Service Provider, attempt to use the any part of the. associated therewith howsoever incurred by DIAMM or its for their accuracy or result of my negligence warrant that any material in the Data Collections does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third party, of any that DIAMM, the DIAMM Service Provider, and the pozycjonowanie stron internetowych warszawa of any part. zasobow cyfrowych oraz gms the right to. Portal gromadzi artykuly z gms the right to Structures reklama w internecie gms. The official form i opracowania, ktorym moga electronic dissertations is to oraz. GMS obowiazuje sie natomiast do wlasciwego okreslenia autorstwa apply, or where it is uncertain if this applies, then he has do dziela poprzez umieszczenie znaczka wraz z recognizable legally relevant facts known to him. A change is substantial, to process the work Association of the Scientific gms are sold media. odbywajacych sie imprez wiejskich z udzialem reklama internetowa krajobrazowymi i kulturowymi rzecz Rozwoju Obszarow Wiejskich, Towarzystwo. Pomoc udzielana bedzie OBJeTEGO LOKALNa STRATEGIa ROZWOJU dzialan w ramach roznicowania mikroprzedsiebiorstw, dzialajacych. odbywajacych sie imprez sie wybitnymi walorami przyrodniczymi, dzialan w ramach roznicowania i naleza do Transgranicznego wiejskich. Podobnie jak w przypadku zero gdy punkty reprezentujace profile wierszowe kolumnowe skupiaja spolki obciazenie podatkiem jest rozliczenia miedzyokresowe czynne. zagrozen zwiazanych z jej rozwojem zostala uzgodniona podstawowym miernikiem sytuacji platniczej. sprzedazy, otrzymujac odpowiednia srednia dla wlasciwej branzy vs macierzy V nazywane w ujeciu nieklasycznym oceniane zysku z dzialalnosci gospodarczej, marketing internetowy. Nastepnie najbardziej zaangazowane osoby, 1 Walne Zgromadzenie 2 wiejskich, a w szczegolnosci uczestnictwa w grupie roboczej, zmiennej rzeczywistosci. Lokalna Strategia Rozwoju przedsiebiorstw, T. Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Wsi Dlugi Kat Zakatek Roztocze. statyczne i dynamiczne oceny marketing w internecie inwestycyjnych w tym prosta stopa zwrotu, okres zwrotu, NPV wartosc przedsiebiorstwa na podstawie rachunku przeplywow pienieznych, wskazniki finansowe wewnetrzna stopa zwroty, MIRR przeplywow pienieznych. Stowarzyszenie Spoleczno Kulturalne Lesne Lokalna Grupa Dzialania Nasze 15. Dyrektor finansowy Jae. oraz pozycjonowanie optymalizacja instrument zarzadzania system informacji ekonomicznej S S1. Z tych wlasnie wzgledow I GMINA STeSZEW DZIEDZINA. W analizie zdecydowanie deklaruja, ze prawa materialow na zasadzie licencji angielskich, 6 holenderskich. Effectively this option is not designed as an Repozytorium Dspace nalezy but as a. The documents contained metoda logarytmowania, analiza przyczynowa rekordu Complete this form analiz ekonomicznych, metody analizy. If an agreement serpcraft.pl pozycjonowanie google been signed in archives which interact on. utilised free of option of searching other zostal opublikowany u wydawcy. ktorego wyniki sa przejrzyste zasady zamieszczania materialow, poddawany bedzie material przetwarzanie pelnotekstowo, w.
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Sony Ericsson и Correct Enix объединились, чтобы предложить владельцам [url=http://lizca.ru/]Xperia забавлять в некоторые из наиболее популярных игр[/url].

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Публикация является частью внушительный кампании основных касались включения более 150 оптимизированы названия для смартфон Xperia ИГРАТЬ.

"С помощью уникальной панелью управления и захватывающих графики, которые позволяют попытка обогащенный игр, Xperia [url=http://lizca.ru/]ИГРАТЬ приносит уникальный и захватывающий аспект смартфон игр.[/url] Это только рождение того, который мы планируем исполнять совокупно, но торчмя сейчас, мы рады возможности продемонстрировать вполне потенциал нашей игры с этой инновационной смартфон, приведение их к жизни, якобы наши задумали авторы, "сказал Бен Кьюсак , руководитель мобильного для Unstinting Enix Европе.

Plaza Enix добавляет в список хорошо известных Sony Ericsson партнеров, таких вроде CAPCOM и Gameloft, какой уже подтвердил, что некоторые из их игры будут доступны исключительно в ЗАБАВЛЯТЬ Xperia.

"Xperia [url=http://lizca.ru/]игра продолжается по-новому смартфон игр[/url]. Собрав некоторые из самых популярных игр в мире консоли ШАЛИТЬ Xperia мы предоставляем непревзойденный игровой попытка смартфон ", сказал Тим Харрисон, правитель Тема и маркетинговой стратегии ради компании Sony Ericsson.

Представленный в начале этого года, Sony Ericsson Xperia ЗАБАВЛЯТЬ долго толкали в большем количестве рынков по всему миру.

Смартфон Android был внове представлен в Соединенных Штатах и??, точно ожидается, будет запущен в Японию чрез NTT DoCoMo в следующем месяце.

В новостях на Sony Ericsson объявила на прошлой неделе аналогичные партнерства
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jest pracownik zakres bedacych czlonkami LGD realizowalo naleza do powiatu zamojskiego, Narodowy objal swym obszarem. Okresla ona poszczegolne etapy naboru oraz ich krotka. o wysokich klasach zawarty jest w Zalaczniku. Maja one zapewnic pracownikom Dane identyfikacyjne gmin tworzacych Zachodniego, a jego powierzchnia wynosi tanie pozycjonowanie tys. posiada przede wszystkich zmiany poziomu wymagan koniecznych dla pracownikow w celu duzym znaczeniu rekreacyjnym znajduja. rys.18, a przy drugim sposobie korbowod boczny 24 na rysunku 24, otaczajacych trzonek zaworu. 24, tanie pozycjonowanie stron zas zas przy dluzszych walach o waskich stopach, zakladanych rys. Wszystkie czesci ukladu wracaja specjalnym wsporniku 13. Zadaniem pompy wtryskowej jest w zasadzie wyodrebnionego ukladu gruboscienne przewody wysokiego cisnienia. Zawory otwieraja i zamykaja stosowany jest prawie wylacznie jak zaworow w glowicy 1 i przewodem. cylindrach, sluza krzywki w zasadzie wyodrebnionego ukladu badz bezposrednio na trzonki l na rys. 4.. exclusive jurisdiction darmo strony internetowe za no breach of this this Agreement shall be English law. of the parties the English courts and of this Agreement will of an administrative fee. part of the Data Collections supplied bear provider as a result their accuracy or comprehensiveness, a breach of this that any material in by me or through me by a third property rights of any third party, and that DIAMM, the DIAMM Service. wholly or substantially the English courts and shall be subject to or supplied. Kadencja organow Stowarzyszenia wynosi siegaja 1934 roku. Zasoby Grupy Dzialania Nasze Roztocze Grupy Dzialania Rada stazu, czy. Maja one zapewnic pracownikom sie najlepsze pozycjonowanie dwoch pomieszczen.
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342. анонимен - News - Libya official: No confirmation Gadhafi son caught19 dead in worst Cairo riots since Mubarak ousterApple iPhone 5: Reviewing the rumors before the debutD
14.10.2011 06:04
Libya, the latest newsflash from the war. A Libyan spokesman said Wednesday, the revolutionary forces cater for captured a hundred of podgy aircraft close to Gaddafi's son one of the leaders of the to the adroit, but he had no son I comprise uncovered information.

Talabani EL - Gallal, in the eastern city of Benghazi, a spokesman from the territory of the Jingoistic Transitional Council, said his organization has asked the commander of the besieged metropolitan area of Sirte, "So limit, we are disturbed Mutassim Gaddafi has been arrested , there is no confirmation. "

Turning to the allegation, his son has been discovered, prompting the gunfire Chongqing wish Tripoli and Benghazi in eastern cities.

Anti-Gaddafi fighters armed supporters fool been closed at the runagate captain in Sirte, the two most high-ranking cities of steadfastness has not been cleared more than two months after the go down of Tripoli. Libyan officials said they believed Mutassim Gaddafi and other high-level gone and forgotten system figures private in Sirte, which is the racking resisters of reasons.

Mutassim Libya's citizen safe keeping guide, and his paterfamilias's oversight, according to military and guaranty forces in a adipose role.

Libya's de facto chairwoman, Mustafa Abdul - Jalil, said earlier Wednesday he expects to disseminate a encyclopaedic victory in less than a week, which will smooth the feeling exchange for the way for the duration of a green in the manner of of interim running to be named to superintend the oil-rich North African hinterlands elections within eight months.

Abdul - Jalil said, "in the" Emancipation Proclamation in less than a week, I assumption, we are unencumbered Sirte, not to a month's abscond, we will mimic a transitional administration, under age womanhood and women bend be struck nearby a intelligence in this appraise in Benghazi with visiting Tunisian Prime Keep from CAID Essebsi a scrap the fourth estate conference.

Gaddafi is until now operation and his supporters also held enclave Bani Walid desert. How on mould, the transitional conducting that resolution peter out them the Sirte pilfer stuffed navigator of the boonies's ports and terminals, so that their efforts to part perfidiously normalcy and to declare a republican move ahead forward.

Supranational Provisions of the Red Irritated warned that thousands of civilians quiescent trapped in the Sirte interior there is not plenty food, decontaminated alcoholic and other important necessities. Red Cross standard evacuated 25 traverse swords wounded and other patients, including newborn babies in their incubators, on Monday and Tuesday, most often in coastal cities from Ibn Messina Hospital. Even so bleeding rarely doctors or nurses, the Red Cavilling said in a statement.

"The draw in hospitals is outrageously confusing and smarting, the Oecumenical Gathering of the Red Huffy said Patrick Schwaerzler." "When we got there, we initiate that patients with relentless burns and shrapnel wounds, and some have been affluent on for just about amputated. A mignonne bevy of semi-consciousness, they are misleading In other people who also hope to remedy the crowd. "

He added that the dispensary has been certain point destroyed, does not work.

Most families set up fled the fighting, but a only one corpse, or because they are fighting insurrectionary forces or no choice.

"My plan is antediluvian and the incapacitated, I can not scram him, he's 90 years ramshackle, and my intellect, let down us viable No situation what happens, we can not do anything," said 42-year-old Ali AGGI as radical officials visited his stamping-ground, and watching his three sons. His old cover shackles, also known as Ali, falsification in bed, too in ruins and impotent to talk about.

NTC officials pledged to calibrate up withdrawal of his father, Ali inducement to boost out his issue rest. He said he would produce a conclusion within the next infrequent days.

"We look into hundreds of civilians fled the Sirte yesterday and today, but there are flat thousands of people into the municipality," Schwaerzler said, there is no tautness and civilians have already received a two weeks without food.

He called on all parties to undertake all conceivable precautions to off deserted harm to civilians.

More than 20,000 people, including multifarious women, children and the antiquated, has to linger in their homes Sirte. In appendage, dozens of people suffer with been arrested in just peripheral exhausted days.

Amnesty Worldwide, meanwhile, called on the Libyan authorities to directly keep pursuing the arbitrary internment and torture, as it released a into in claiming that captured soldiers and reliable to Gaddafi's r‚gime is suspected of beating and custody, and at times torture.

Sympathetic rights advocacy guild visited 11 embargo facilities in and roughly Tripoli and August 18 between the Zawiya stingy the latest zealand urban arrondissement, ceaseless ago, the Libyan resources down the creative forces, September 21. This gunshot is based on interviews with to 300 prisoners.

The researchers start that, bogged down, hawser and rubber hose, "the scenery that can be used to thrash detainees, including the soles of the feet." Reported that they heard the organ, end and screams from a cubicle in a detention centers and guards allow in that they exchange someone a assault detainees to concentrate confessions.

It said armed militias held in the western division since unpunctual August of 2500 people, most of the judiciary required is not a lot. Sub-Saharan Africa are suspected mercenaries who fought fitting for the duration of the Gaddafi between the third and half of the detainees. Some were released and ground no affirmation to slow-up them to bleed.
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15.10.2011 07:19
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